You may find that a myEvolv form that you wish to use contains a picklist field that cannot be done away with, even though the user is always going to be selecting the same item. For instance, you may have a treatment plan for a program where there is only one category of goals, but you have to select that category on each and every component anyway. Just like other fields in myEvolv, you have the option of setting a default value for a picklist field, but it is a little trickier to setup than it is for text and date fields. Defaulting values for picklist fields where there are no real options will save your users time when completing their work in myEvolv.
For my example, I have a service event for Attendance Documentation that requires a Service Location field. My user-defined look-up table for Location has 9 options to select, but for my Day Care program, only one location should ever be used for this service event: Day Care. My Day Care staff are sometimes erroneously selecting a different location and are complaining about having to do the extra clicking required to fill in a field that is always the same value.
The simplest way to handle this is to use the default value on my service location field in order to make sure the value we want to be there is always selected, but when I enter ‘Day Care’ in the default value for the picklist field, it doesn’t work. What gives?
Simplest Method: Hard-coded GUID
When you use Picklist fields on your form, the underlying data type is a Foreign Key ID, which means the data value actually being stored in the database is the GUID for the picklist item that you are selecting, NOT the description, shortcut code or any other column from the table being referenced. What we need to do here is provide the GUID for the picklist item that we want selected.
Assuming you have the GUID, then all you need to do in the default value field of the service_location is enter the GUID surrounded by quotes.
Now the form defaults with “Day Care” selected for this field.
NOTE: When hard-coding with GUIDs, myEvolv Classic requires all upper-case letters in the GUID and myEvolv NX requires all lower-case letters in the GUID. If you are still using classic and intend to use the method below.
More Robust Method: getDataValue
This method is more robust because it works in both Classic and NX, though the over-use of getDataValue can cause system performance to slow.
Instead of hard-coding the GUID, we will use a getDataValue() call to lookup the correct GUID using the description of the item we wish to default.
For this method, you need to know some things about the lookup table you need to fetch the GUID from. In my example, I know that the LUT is a user-defined LUT, so the table is going to be user_defined_lut. I know that the primary key column for that table, the column I want the GUID from, is therefore user_defined_lut_id. And I also know that the column that contains the name of the item in that table is called description. With those bits of information, I can put together a getDataValue() call that will return the correct GUID and I can put that call into the Default Value attribute for my Service Location field.
The result is the same as above, with “Day Care” defaulting into the field on the form.
Other Possibilities
The possibilities are endless when it comes to default value logic, since the Default Value attribute accepts any JavaScript code that you might concoct. Whatever code you come up with, the end result must be a single GUID that is a primary key value from a record in the table being used as your picklist field’s LUT.
One of the challenges of working with myEvolv and myEvolv NX is that the Document Object Model (DOM) is different between the two views. That means that if you are using JavaScript, or even jQuery, to manipulate form fields, you code for one version will not necessarily work in the other. myEvolv includes JavaScript libraries that are used to facilitate some common form manipulations and that are safe to use in either version.
A couple of the most common things you might want to do on you forms is get the value of a field or set the value of a field. Getting the value that a user has entered allows you to validate the form or drive form field behavior with disable rules. Being able to set form values can help make the user experience faster and more enjoyable. You can do a lot with the simple ability to get and set form field values. The following post will get into the myEvolv functions getFormElement and setFormElement.
The getFormElement function returns the value that is entered in a form field. The function takes a single argument– elementName
The elementName is the name of the column used for the form field, NOT the caption. So for example, if I want to get the value of the Actual Date/Time field on the form, I would use
Keep in mind that when you get the value of a foreign key id field, you will be retrieving the GUID and not the caption of the picklist item. For dates, you will get a date string– in order to do date manipulation, you will need to convert it into a JavaScript Date object (I covered this topic in this post).
The setFormElement function sets a form field’s value. The function takes two arguments — elementName and elementValue
setFormElement(elementName, elementValue);
The elementName is the name of the column used for the form field, just as with getFormElement. The elementValue is the value you want to set the form field to. If I wanted to set the remarks field to “Approved!”, I would use
setFormElement('generic_remarks', 'Approved!');
Some additional considerations are again needed with dates and times – the elementValue must be a formatted date string. And for a lookup table, you must provide the GUID of the item you want to be select.
Where to use?
You can execute JavaScript in several places on a form and on form fields. Where you use the JavaScript depends on what you are trying to do and the code properties of forms and fields are pretty self descriptive.
Before Save Code
This code executes right after the user clicks the Save button on the form but before the Save function executes. This makes it a good trigger for code that you want to run one time after the user has entered values in all of the fields. This might be a good candidate for code that will calculate a value based on the values entered in several fields on the form. You might not be able to trust the order that the users will fill in the values so triggering them at the field level might be tricky.
Note that at the point this code executes, you can no longer manipulate the DOM of the form and have those values become part of the Save function so you have to instead use the setElementFromXML() function (I will cover in another post) to get the calculated value into the save.
After Save Code
This code executes just after the Save function executes in the system. Because of this it is mostly used for popping up alerts or keeping windows open after saves.
After Delete
This code will execute after the Delete function executes. I have not used this one yet. It could be useful for popping up alerts.
Before Load Code
This code will execute before the form XML is rendered into HTML and displayed on the screen. There is a note that this code does not run on forms when they are used as subforms.
After Load Code
This code will execute after the DOM is fully loaded and the form is displayed on the screen. This trigger would be good for popping up alerts when the form is first opened.
On Load Script
This code will trigger when the form field loads in the browser — the browser will load the form fields in the order they appear. If I recall correctly, you cannot target DOM elements until the full form is rendered, but you can set JavaScript timers that will delay execution of code until the DOM elements you wish to target are loaded.
On Click Script
This code triggers when the form element is clicked. It works best for checkboxes but you can get it to fire for other form fields as well.
On Change Script
This code triggers when the form element’s value is changed. This one does not work great with checkboxes but is perfect for date/times, strings, foreign key id fields.
Default Value
You can use JavaScript in the default value property in order to generate your default value. The code in this property executes before the HTML DOM loads and the calculated default values exist in the formXML layer.
Disable Rule
You can use getFormElement() in the disable rule property to determine if a field should be disabled or not disabled based on the values retrieved. You return true if you want the field to be disabled and false if you want it to be enabled.
What about Memo fields?
Memo fields are a little more complicated than the other form fields in how they generate in the DOM and so setFormElement() does not work on them. Instead, you must use the setMemoField() function.
setMemoField(formLinesId, updateText);
The difference between this function and setFormElement is that the first argument here is for the GUID of the Memo field’s form field id and not the column name. So to make this usable, you should pair it with a getDataValue() call to grab that form_lines_id.
The following code will get the form_lines_id of a memo field on the form (form_code = “MY_TEST_FORM”) that is captioned ‘My Memo’. It then uses that GUID value in the setMemoField() function to set MyMemo to ‘Updated text value.’
var formLineId = getDataValue('form_view', 'caption', 'My Memo', 'form_lines_id', 'form_code=\'\'MY_TEST_FORM\'\''); setMemoField(formLineId, 'Updated text value.');
When reusing this code on your form, you just need to change the caption (‘My Memo’) to be the caption of your memo field, the form_code (‘MY_TEST_FORM’) to be the form code of the form you are putting this code on and then your updateText (‘Updated text value.’). You must be sure that your Memo field has a unique caption on the form you are using– you cannot return more than one value with getDataValue().
In my CONNECTIONS2019 presentation, I showed how I use SSRS to create “Pretty Print” versions of myEvolv Treatment Plan components to use as a handout for treatment plan meetings that can be accessed by clicking a URL variable on the treatment plan itself. Several people asked me to share the method and specifically how to do the JavaScript string concatenation, which can be used in many other places.
JavaScript Strings
In JavaScript, strings are any text characters inside of a single or double quote.
var myString = "Hello world.";
You can use concatenation to “glue” strings together. In JavaScript, the concatenation operator is + , just like adding numbers together.
var string1 = "Hello world."; var string2 = "How are you?"; var newString = string1 + string2;
The value of newString would be Hello world.How are you? Notice that There are no spaces between the sentences because I didn’t include them in the strings.
If you have added a URL variable to a form, you have already used a JavaScript string because you probably entered a default value like this:
This created a static URL that will always point to every time the form is opened in myEvolv. Using JavaScript variables and string concatenation, you can create dynamic URLs that will be unique to a client, event, staff, or any other things you can come up with and these can be very useful for making myEvolv more user-friendly and effective.
“Pretty Print” Reports
At my agency, we find that the default printouts for things like Treatment Plans are long and difficult to read, especially for people who are not using myEvolv day-to-day. When treatment teams get together to meet about the treatment plan with the client and family members, we were printing copies of the treatment plan to share at the meeting.
Through meeting with the staff in those meetings, we determined that the main focus was to use these printouts to review the component pieces of the treatment plans, so why not come up with a way to just generate a one-page print-friendly list of Goals, Objectives and Methods from the current plan?
I was able to accomplish this using our SSRS Report Server by creating a report that would pull in all of the service_details for a specific plan and displaying them neatly.
Example of “Pretty Print” report
The SSRS Web Portal would allow staff to access the report where I could have added parameters that would allow the staff to lookup a client and select the plan they were looking to print this report for. But it would be easier if they could just click a link and have the report generate for the plan they clicked the link from automatically.
Dynamic URL to SSRS Report
Query Strings
SSRS allows you to pass report parameters through query strings. You may have seen these in web URLs that you have browsed:
The first section of the URL directs you to a search endpoint
The ? starts the query string and then the parameters and their values are listed. In this case, the search_term is “balloon animals” and we only want it to return (limit) 20 results.
We can do the same thing with SSRS. In the case of this Pretty Print example, I only need one parameter, event_log_id. My query includes a WHERE clause
WHERE event_log.event_log_id = @event_log_id
This creates a parameter called event_log_id that the report is expecting in order to run.
The event_log_id of the Treatment Plan is on the treatment plan so we can use string concatenation to glue the report endpoint and the parameter name to a variable on the plan that holds the value of the event_log_id.
URL Variables
The URL form field type is used to create a clickable button on a form that will launch a new web browser window pointed to the URL value of the field.
You could add the field as a user-defined field and that might make sense if you are doing something like collecting a URL from someone. For example, if you wanted to get the website of an organization. In that case, you want to store the URL in the database.
In this situation, however, we don’t need to store anything in the database. We just want to generate the URL and create the button every time an event is opened, so a variable is perfect in this case. I added mine like this:
The URL field displays the URL in a ext box and then has a clickable globe icon to the right of it. I don’t like to display the url itself because they can sometimes be very long and look terrible so I put 1 in display size. That still shows the first few characters of the URL but that’s the smallest you can get it. As of this writing, the display size does not seem to effect how it looks in NX. I also make my URL variables not modifiable.
Default Value
Now for the JavaScript. We have our SSRS Web portal setup to work on the agency Network only so the url is
The specific report I have created is located in the Pretty Print Reports directory and is called Plan Components:
And now all I have to do is concatenate the event_log_id to the end of the url and I will have my link. myEvolv stores the event_log_id of any given event in the variable keyValue, so I can just use that. So in the default value for the URL variable, I will use the following code:
var url = 'http://ssrs:8080/reports/report/Pretty%20Print%20Reports/Plan%20Components?event_log_id='; url += keyValue; url;
Explanation: I created a variable called url and gave it the string value of the static portion of my report URL. Then I concatenated the event_log_id of whatever event the form opens with to the end of the string using the myEvolv variable keyValue.
In the last line, I simply output the value of url, which becomes the default value of the URL variable.
One More Brief Example
To give an idea of a slightly more complicated string concatenation for a URL variable, another place where I use this is on our Monthly Summary events. I have created a dynamic URL variable that will launch an SSRS report where the parameters are the client’s people_id and then a date range. The SSRS Report then pulls in the specified daily notes for that client between those dates so that the summary writers can easily review the months’ activities.
This is pretty similar to the first example but a few difference. One, instead of using a myEvolv variable, I am just concatenating values from the form directly to the string: people_id and two user-defined date fields, udf_summary_start and udf_summary_end.
I am using getElementFromXML() to get the value from the form’s definition rather than the rendered form elements. This works well when you have default values in the form. If you do not, then those values may be null until filled in on the form.
In that case, you might want to go a different route and use similar code to the On Change field of every form element that is used in the URL with t
***In this example, my URL’s variable name is monthly_summary_report_url
What this does is any time the client is switched on the form or the start and end dates are changed, a new URL is generated and entered into the URL variable as the value.
In either case, you can see that I am alternating between concatenating static parts of the query string with they dynamic parts to make a more complicated query string.
Credit for figuring these out/discovering them goes to Perry. I find myself referring to them in a training binder I got from last year’s NY Training Summit and figured it would be easier to just get them up on the web so I don’t have to go hunting for that binder every time. The following code works for Classic.
Subform Considerations
Subforms have to be handled differently than forms when it comes to JavaScript because while in the form designer, the two things look identical, the way that myEvolv renders a subform in the browser is very different from how it renders a form. But it isn’t radically different and the main changes account for the fact that a subform can have one or more rows and so you need to be more specific about which field you are trying to manipulate so that you don’t change every line simultaneously.
Scenario 1: Get the Value of a Subform Field
This code is for use within the subform, e.g. if you want to default the value of one field based on the value of another on the same subform.
Note the self object is being used here. This is the subform object as distinguished from the parent form object. The parameter currentRowXML then further narrows it down to the current record/row on the subform that you are concerned with.
Scenario 2: Set the Value of a Subform Field
Again, for use within a subform, this code can be used to set the value of a field in the same subform, e.g. when you want the On Change event to auto-populate a field.
If you are checking a checkbox, use this code:
this.form.'column_name'.checked = true;
Note that in this code, you do keep the single quotes in the code for it to work properly. All you change is the column_name
Scenario 3: Get the Value of a Parent Form Field
With this code, you can get the value of a field in the parent form based on an action in the subform.
Note the window.parent is the only difference from the code you would use on the parent form. This is what allows your code to ‘jump up out of the subform’.
Scenario 4: Set the Value of a Parent Form Field
Maybe you figured it out by now but you can use the same small change to set values on the parent form from the subform.
Alerts are useful in guiding user activity and you can trigger them from subforms. Similar to the last two, the trick is moving back up the DOM to the parent form to trigger it.
window.parent.window.alert('Alert Message');
Other Possibilities
It is possible to go the other way and get and set values on subform records from the parent form, however, it becomes a much more complex problem that requires very specific solutions for very specific challenges. That is because of the One-to-Many relationship that the subforms have with the parent form. For these types of situations, you will probably be targeting the subform itself and then looping through each record to get or set values.
There are times when it is useful to analyze the Document Object Model of your myEvolv form, especially when you are trying to figure out ways of manipulating the form with JavaScript. If you are on a main screen in myEvolv, you can simply press the F12 key on your keyboard to bring up Internet Explorer’s developer tools. However, this does not work when you press it while focused on a modal pop-up in myEvolv.
In order to get the developer tools to work so that you can see the DOM for your event forms, follow the steps below.
1) Disable Setting that Allows Websites to Suppress Address Bar
Open Internet Explorer’s Internet Options and click on the “Security” tab. Make sure “Trusted Sites” is highlighted and click the “Custom level…” button.
In the Security Settings dialog, scroll down to the Miscellaneous settings. Select “Disable” for the setting “Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars”. Apply the settings and close the Internet Options dialog.
This setting will cause the modal popups that myEvolv uses to display event forms to display their url, which is required for developer tools to be used on a window.
2) Open Developer Tools and Un-Pin it From the Browser Window
At this point, some of you may be able to simply open an event form in myEvolv and press F12 and the developer tools open without problem. For others, nothing happens when F12 is pressed in a modal or you get a warning that says the main windows developer tools will need to close so that i can open a new one in the modal but then nothing happens.. The rest of the steps in this post will show the workaround for that.
The first thing you will need to do is un-pin the developer tools from the browser window so that they open in their own separate window. Close any modals you have open and press F12 so that the developer tools open in the browser. In the upper right hand corner of the development tools pane, there is an un-pin button you can click. The develop tools will then open in their own separate window.
3) Open The Event and Select the Right Form in the Debugger
With the Developer tools in their own window, you can open the event that you want to analyze with developer tools and still have access to the developer tools window. When you open the event, it will not automatically populate in the developer tools. You must select it in the “Debugger” tab.
Click the Debugger tab and note that the pane below the toolbar support multiple tabs. You will probably see main.aspx loaded in the pain and that represents the main screen of myEvolv. At the bottom of that pane is a debugger pane. Find an error or warning related to eventform.asp. It should be shown as a link and clicking that link will load the event_form DOM in the debugging pain next to main.aspx.
UPDATE: Easier Way
Instead of going through the last steps 2 & 3 above, you can just copy and paste the url for the modal into a new tab in Internet Explorer and then launch developer tools for that tab.
Some payors are beginning to require that client addresses utilize the ZIP+4 ZIP code in order to get paid. The ZIP code field in myEvolv has a datatype of Zip Code which appears to be a string field that allows up to 10 characters. This means that you can store a 5-digit ZIP code or a ZIP+4 in the field. Furthermore, the functionality for auto-filling the city and state fields based on the ZIP code will work with either type of ZIP code.
One thing that is lacking is the ability to force users to input a ZIP+4 in the ZIP code field. The following guide will show how you can add some form validation to the Client Demographics form that will help to prevent users from entering only the 5-digit ZIP code. While we will be looking at only one set of forms, you should be able to apply the same changes to other forms and address subforms to achieve the desired result elsewhere in the system that addresses are collected or edited.
Setup New Demographics Formset Member
For the purposes of this demo, we are going to modify the Client Demographics form.
This is a system form and we cannot directly make changes to it so instead, we must create a custom demographics form, address subform and formset member so that we can make the changes we want.
Copy the ‘Address by ZIP code‘ Form
This form is in the Address Info for People form family. This is the form that is used for the Personal Address subform on the Client Demographics.
Copy the ‘Client Personal Information‘ Form
This form is in the Personal Information form family and is listed at the top as the default form. This is the main form that loads when you go to the Client Demographics formset.
On your newly-copied, custom version of this form, swap your custom Address by ZIP code subform in for the default Address by ZIP code subform.
Remember that when you copy and begin editing these system forms, a good rule of thumb is to only add to the form or carefully edit what is on the form so that you do not have downstream effects. Avoid deleting elements. If you don’t want them to be visible, simply hide them.
Create New Formset Member
Select the Client Personal Information FormSet in Formset Maintenance. By Default, the Client Demographics formset member is ordered #1. Add a new formset member and copy the settings for it just like the system default Demographics formset member EXCEPT that we will be using our custom Client Personal Information form instead of the system form in the Default Form field.
With the new formset created, remember to make it available to all navigation schemes which need the ZIP+4 validation. In order to avoid confusion, you can make the default formset member unavailable to those with the new formset.
Pro Tip: I temporarily put “TEST” in the Tab Caption of my custom formset so that I could find it easily when adding it to the navigation schemes.
You now have a separate and customizable Client Demographics formset to play with in your system
Modify Forms to Validate for ZIP+4
We will need to make changes to both of our forms in order to cover all of our bases. Our method for validating is to check the subform zipcode field when it is changed and determine if the zipcode entered is comprised of 10 characters. If the zip code is other than 10 characters, we will alert the user that they must enter a ZIP+4. If they ignore the warning and attempt to save anyway, we will prevent the save and alert them again that a ZIP+4 must be entered.
Custom ‘Client Personal Information’ Form
Step 1) Add a variable to the form just above the Personal Address subform. This variable will be used to store our ZIP code validation state that we will check before saving.
I named my variable is_zip_invalid and gave it a Regular Numeric datatype. You can set your variable to be not visible.
Step 2) Add the following code to the form’s “Before Save Code” property:
if(getFormElement('is_zip_invalid') == '1'){{ alert('You must use ZIP+4'); formValid = false; }}
The code above checks to see if the value of the variable we just created is ‘1’. If it is, then it gives an alert and tells myEvolv to abort the save because this form is not valid. On the subform, we will add code that will set the value this variable based on what is entered in the zip code fields.
Custom ‘Address by ZIP Code’ Form
Step 1) Add the following code to the ZIP Code field’s “On Change” property:
This code can go under the setAddressFromZip(this); line.
var zip = self.getElementFromXML(currentRowXML, 'zip_code'); if(zip.length != 10){{ window.parent.window.alert('You must use a ZIP+4'); window.parent.setFormElement('is_zip_invalid', 1); }} else {{ window.parent.setFormElement('is_zip_invalid', 0); }}
The code above creates a variable named zip and assigns it the value that user enters into the ZIP Code field. The script then checks to see if the value is 10 characters long. If it is not, the code produces an alert to remind the user that a ZIP+4 is required and then sets the value of is_zip_invalid on the parent form to 1. If the value is 10 characters long, the script sets the value of is_zip_invalid on the parent form to 0.
Step 2) Add the following code to the form’s “Before Save Code” property:
Since it is possible for users to open the subform in a new window, we also need to do some validation on the subform itself in case a user ends up adding or editing addresses via this method/
var zip = getFormElement('zip_code'); if(zip.length != 10){{ alert('You must enter a ZIP+4 in order to save'); formValid = false; }}
The above code does the the same thing that the “Before Save Code” from the other form does. The only difference here is that we have direct access to the value entered in the ZIP code field so we use that to validate the form rather than the variable flag.
When put altogether, you will have a custom Client Demographics formset that will warn users at the time of changing a ZIP code field if they are not entering a ZIP+4 and will not allow saving until the ZIP code is fixed.
One Vulnerability
The way that this is setup, the value of our variable is_zip_invalid is changed any time a zip code is updated so if the last zip code altered is valid, all zip codes will be accepted as valid. So for example, let’s say that I edit two zip codes on the form. On the first one, I only put in the 5-digit ZIP code. I get an alert telling me to use the ZIP+4 and my variable gets assigned a value of ‘1’. Next, I close the alert and alter the second ZIP code and this time I enter the ZIP+4. Our code executes to check that the ZIP code I entered here is valid. It sees that it is and assigns our variable a value of ‘0’. The form will successfully save even though I still have a 5-digit zip in the first address that I edited.
More complicated code might be able to do a more thorough job of validating multiple zip codes before save but I haven’t figured that out yet.
When working on treatment plans in myEvolv, you will notice that many of the treatment plan component forms contain both a start date and a target completion date. One of the programs I was building a treatment plan for wanted to have the target completion date on the form but always wanted it to be 90 days from the start date. Instead of making each clinician calculate 90 days from the start date and fill it in themselves, I used this method to take the date value from the start date and update the target completion date field with a value that is 90 days later. I will walk you through the JavaScript that I used so that you can make adjustments based on your needs. The full snippet of JavaScript will be at the end.
Where does the code go?
The first consideration is where to put the JavaScript. In this case, used the ‘On Change Script’ field property on the field that will be modified by the clinician, ‘start_date’. myEvolv provides us with access to 3 events that we can use to trigger our JavaScript handlers (the code we want to execute): ‘On Change’, ‘On Click’ and ‘On Load’. The ‘On Change’ event is fired when the value of the field has been changed. This is the most suitable event to use in this situation since I do not want the new date value to calculate until there is a value in the first date field. Furthermore, if a clinician makes a mistake entering the start date, I want the new date to recalculate when the clinician makes an adjustment. Both of these scenarios are covered when using the ‘On Change’ event.
Get the ‘start_date’
The first line of JavaScript code’s purpose is to get the value that has been placed into the ‘start_date’ field and convert it into a proper JavaScript Date object so that we can manipulate the date easily. I declared a variable named date and set it to be a new Date object passing the value of the ‘start_date’ field as its argument:
var date = new Date(getFormElement('start_date'));
Calculate the ‘target_date’
Now with the date entered by the clinician converted to a Date object, I can perform some calculations on the date using the ‘getter’ and ‘setter’ methods built in to JavaScript Date objects. In my scenario, I need the ‘target_date’ field to be +90 days from the ‘start_date’ so I used the getDate() and setDate() methods:
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 90);
If I wanted to do +3 months instead, I would use the getMonth() and setMonth() methods:
date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 3);
If I wanted to do +1 year, I would use the getFullYear() and setFullYear() methods:
date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1);
There are also methods for getting and setting hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, but I am dealing with Date Only fields in this scenario.
Format the ‘target_date’
Now that the date object has my new date stored in it, I need to put that value into the ‘target_date’ field. However, the date in the date object is not formatted in a way that myEvolv’s date fields like so I need to pull the individual date elements from the object and build a string value to place in the date field. I accomplish this first by declaring variables for the month, day and year:
var mm = date.getMonth() + 1;//+1 is needed because in JavaScript Date objects, January is 0 var dd = date.getDate(); var yyyy = date.getFullYear();
Now I declare a new variable called formatted_date and set its value to a concatenated myEvolv-friendly string:
var formatted_date = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy;
Set the ‘target_date’
setFormElement(‘target_date’, formatted_date);
One Caveat
You may be inclined to disable the ‘target_date’ form field so that clinicians cannot change the value after it has been calculated. I was unable to get that to work, however. When a form field is disabled, it is excluded from being saved so for now it would seem that you have to keep the form field modifiable. If you used this same similar* code in the ‘On Change Script’ property for ‘target_date’, you could prevent the ‘target_date’ from being changed by effectively reverting any attempts at changing the ‘target_date’ manually.
*You will need to also add some JavaScript to validate that the ‘target_date’ has been changed because if you just put this exact same code in the ‘On Change Script’ property for ‘target_date’, you will end up in an infinite loop when ‘actual_date’ is changed on the form and you will crash the browser.
The Full Code
var date = new Date(getFormElement('start_date')); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 90); var mm = date.getMonth() + 1; var dd = date.getDate(); var yyyy = date.getFullYear(); var formatted_date = mm + '/' + dd + '/' +yyyy; setFormElement('target_date', formatted_date);
I have found that it is often small things that can make all the difference in how user-friendly our myEvolv processes are. One problem that we ran into with myEvolv was that if you were in the middle of working with a form where you needed to select, say, a collateral but that collateral had not yet been added for the client, you would need to save the form as a draft (if allowed), navigate to the collaterals formset member to add one and then return to the original form to select the collateral. If you have experienced this, then you know how annoying it can be.
My solution to this issue was to add urls to our forms that would launch the collaterals wizard without the need to close the form at all. Users are then able to add collaterals on the fly. This could be used for other relationships like health providers or families and possibly even things outside of the relationships formset. This post will demonstrate how to create a URL form variable to launch the collaterals wizard but you should be able to apply the same steps to other formset members and achieve the same results.
Adjust Your Browser Settings
myEvolv creates popup windows just like any other website by opening a new browser window with it’s own URL. The default browser settings for Internet Explorer allow myEvolv to hide the URL of those popups but we want to examine the URL because we want create our own URL’s to display on our forms that will open the same windows. To make the URL visible on popups:
1) In Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options
2) Click on the “Security” tab
3) Make sure you are in the “Trusted Sites” zone and click “Custom level…”
4) In the “Miscellaneous” section of the “Security Settings”, DISABLE “Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars”
5) Click “OK” and then close Internet Explorer Settings
With this setting disabled, you will now see the URL for all popups that myEvolv creates. See the image below for the before (top) and after (bottom).
What’s in a myEvolv URL?
I am interested in getting the URL for the popup window that is created when I go to create a New Manual Event for a Personal Collateral so I pick any client and open the form to add a new personal collateral. The URL for that window is long so let’s break it down and see what we can determine about it. Below, I have the URL and have added a line break before each &
We want to keep this URL the same as much as we can but there are some variables we need to identify in here so that we can generate a unique URL for each form instance based on whose client record we are working on. If I just dumped this URL onto a form statically, I would always be creating collaterals for the client whose record I had open when I grabbed this URL along with some other problems. The parts we need to examine more closely are anything with a GUID.
The pieces of this URL that we will need to generate dynamically on our form are
parentValue – this is the people_id of the client for whom we would be creating the collateral
sessionID – this is the id of your current session. If this is not updated for each login session, the popup window will take you to a myEvolv login screen
serviceTrack – this is a client-related id similar to the parentValue
event_id does not need to be changed. I am not sure what it is but the value stays the same no matter which client record so its safe to bet you can keep it static.
Form Design – Adding a URL Variable
On your form, insert a new variable wherever you want it to display on your form. You can name the variable whatever you would like and caption it however you would like. I typically make the field not modifiable so that users can’t make changes to the url that might have an adverse effect. You might also want to shorten the display length so that it looks better on the form.
We then need to concentrate on generating the URL string that will be our default value for this variable. For those of you who have not done URL string building, it just involves a lot of string concatenation. We first create a variable and assign it a string value that is equal to the first chunk of static text. Then we concatenate our first variable. Then concatenate the next chunk of string that is static and so on until we have our full url.
The first section of the url that is completely static is so the first line of our code will be
var myUrl = '';
Then we need to append our variable for parentValue, which is the people_id of the client whose record we are in. That comes to the current form already loaded in a variable called parentValue so we can just plug that in here
You can see the results of your concatenation in the URL variable on the form so if you keep it modifiable and give yourself a generous display size, you can check to see where you might have left pieces out by mistake.
Quirky Behavior
If you built your URL string correctly, you should launch the Add Collateral window from your form. One thing I have noticed is that after you fill out the form and hit save, the form does not close or give any indication that the collateral had been added successfully. One challenge in getting the form to behave any different is that these forms are system not-modifiable so we don’t have the ability to go in and add a window.closeAfterSave = true snippet to them. Users must be trained to close the window manually after they have saved the form without triggering an error for things like blank required fields.
This post comes from a reader request. The scenario she was facing is that when a referral is created in myEvolv, you must enter a referral source and a referral reason on the form. When you go to perform an intake from the referrals, this information is not pulled into the client record. She wanted to have the Referral Source and Referral Reason fields on the client initial enrollment AND also have those fields pre-populate with the options that were selected on the referral.
Intake Form Setup
The Initial Enrollment from Accepted Referral form is in the Agency Intake form family. Agency intake events are not user modifiable so we have to modify the system form to add the fields for Referral Source and Referral Reason.
Referral forms use the refrerrals_to_agency table and the intake forms use the service_track table, so we will need to add new database fields to the intake form to hold our Referral Source and Referral Reason values. We will set them up just as they are on the referral form, using the same picklist and and dependencies.
Referral Source
We add a new database field called udf_referral_source and give it the following attributes: Data Type: Foreign Key ID Foreign Key Column:group_profile: group_profile_id Look-up Table Used: Referral Source – Referral In Formset to call: Outside Organizations Stand Alone Depends On: Agency
Referral Reason
We add a new database field called udf_referral_reason and give it the following attributes: Data Type: Foreign Key ID Foreign Key Column:referral_reason: referral_reason_id Look-up Table Used: Referral Reason Table
Default Values
At this point, the intake form has a place to store the referral source and referral reason but the user would have to manually re-select those values, which is a pain and also error-prone. We know the information is in the referrals_to_agency table, so we can use the getDataValue() form function to obtain the data but how do we know which row to select.
When you perform a client intake from accepted referral, the intake event “belongs to” the referral made event. The referral made events are the subform entries for Program Recommendations on the Referral form. In turn, those referrals made events “belong to” the referral form that houses the referral source and referral reason data we need. Once you have selected the accepted referral from which you are completing the intake, myEvolv sends a belongs2Event parameter to the intake form so that when the intake is saved, the intake is linked to the parent referral made. That value is equal to the event_log_id of the referral made event, which means we can plug it into the getDataValue() form function to get the value that referral made event’s parent event_log_id and then use that value to return the referral source and referral reason values.
Referral Source
We use this code in the Default Value attribute: var parent = getDataValue('event_log', 'event_log_id', belongs2Event, 'belongs_to_event'); getDataValue('referrals_to_agency', 'event_log_id', parent, 'referral_source');
Referral Reason
We use this code in the Default Value attribute: var parent = getDataValue('event_log', 'event_log_id', belongs2Event, 'belongs_to_event'); getDataValue('referrals_to_agency', 'event_log_id', parent, 'reason_id');
Explanation of Code
First we use the belongs2Event value that is passed to the intake form from the referral made event so that myEvolv can properly link the two events in the tables. We use that value to get the event_log_id of the referral made event’s parent event which is the referral event using the form function getDataValue()
We then use referral event’s event_log_id to get the value of the referral source and referral reason fields on that referral event again using getDataValue()
With this setup in place, when you perform an intake from accepted referral, the referral reason and referral source from the related referral should be on our intake form. Note that this setup enters duplicate data to what is on the referrals_to_agency table into your service_track_x table. If we wish to avoid saving duplicate data to the database, we can setup the new fields on the Intake form as variables instead. This will allow us to display the referral source and referral reason on the intake form when it is opened in myEvolv but no data from the variables will be saved to tables when the intake is saved.
EDIT 8/3/2018: Reader Rosemary asked about using text templates in conjunction with this code rather than including the raw HTML in the JavaScript code. Indeed there is a way to do that, so I have included that method at the bottom of the post. Reviewing the post also exposed that my code had a syntax error so I fixed that. Thank you, Rosemary!
Progress notes in Evolv are system fields in myEvolv that have special properties that make them particularly useful in certain situations. For example, the Progress note field is included in many of the views available to subreports so being able to use the progress note column on a form allows the data contained therein to be fed back on other forms via subreport.
Unlike other form fields, however, you do not add a progress_note field to your form in the form designer. Instead, you add the progress note in the Event Setup area by checking the “Has Single Note” checkbox.
Just like with the Service Related Encounter Information that I addressed in another post, checking this checkbox will append fields to your form at the time that the event is launched. Unlike the Service Related Encounter Information, however, there is no way to add the progress note field to your form in the form designer so that you can manipulate its attributes. It is therefore tricky to set a default value for the progress note, but not impossible. The following guide will show how you can use jQuery and the form header attributes to simulate the use of the default value attribute on a progress note field. This can be useful for defaulting in a template when you know only one template would be used and you want decrease the risk that the clinician forgets to apply the template.
How Memo Fields Render
One of the things that makes manipulating a Memo field more difficult in myEvolv is that they are a much more complex field being rendered on the form. With a custom_string type of field, for example, there is just a label/caption and an html input field so you can use some pretty basic javascript to get and set the value of the field or use some of the formfunctions.js functions to get or set the form elements.
Memo fields, on the other hand, have their own menus for manipulating the formatting of the text and spellcheckers, etc. When you are dealing with a Memo field, you are actually dealing with an iframe element that contains a series of div elements that hold those buttons and then finally, buried deep in the iframe you will find a div with the id of “Composition”. That is where the text value of the memo resides.
Further complicating things is the fact that unlike other types of fields that you can easily target by column name, Memo fields must be targeted by their id, which is the GUID that represents their form_lines_id.
Accessing the Text Value of a Memo Field
To target the divelement that contains the text value of your memo field, you must turn to jQuery and use the following code:
var memo_text = $(form_lines_id).contents().find('#Composition').html();
Since the Progress Note field is a system column that has existed for a long time, it has the same form_lines_id in everyone’s system, so to get the memo text of a Progress Note memo field, plug in the form_lines_id:
var memo_text = $('#BFE6BE66-7983-4C3B-8374-1606E7D909A5').contents().find('#Composition').html()
Explanation of Code
var memo_text =
This creates a variable called “memo_text” that will hold the value of the memo field we target.
This targets the element on the form that has and id of ‘BFE6BE66-7983-4C3B-8374-1606E7D909A5’, which is the progress note’s iframe. If you want to target a different memo field, you will need to determine the form_lines_id of that field and plug it in here.
This gets all of the contents of the iframe targeted above.
This searches the contents above for an element with an id of “Composition”. This is the element that contains the Memo field’s text.
This gets the html value contained inside the “Composition” div targeted above. We use the html() method because this will preserve the rich text formatting that has been applied to the text in the box.
Setting the Value of the Progress Note
You can set the value of the progress note field with very little changes to the above code. if I want to set the text inside the progress note to “Hello”, I use this code:
Since we are using the html() method, you can insert HTML markup with your text, which is what will allow you to insert a nice template. Remember that you have to escape your >’s and <‘s
Replicating the Default Behavior
Using the code above, we are able to manipulate the text inside the Memo field with On Change and On Click events on the loaded form just fine, but what can we do if we want to default a specific value into the progress note field when the form loads?
We can use the code above to set the value but we need that code to fire AFTER the form has been loaded. Fortunately, there is an attribute on the form called After Load Code that we can use as the trigger for this code.
But, it’s not as simple as just dropping the code in there because while the code in this field will fire after the form loads, it does not necessarily fire after the memo field iframes are loaded. it is therefore necessary to wrap the code in a javascript setTimeout() function.
The setTimeout() function takes two arguments. The first is the code that you want to execute. In the example above, I wrapped the code into an anonymous function. The second is the number of milliseconds it should wait before executing the code. In my example, I set the timer for 5000 milliseconds or 5 seconds. You can tweak this number as desired to achieve what you want it to do. With this code in place in the After Load Code attribute of the form, 5 seconds after the form loads, ‘Hello’ fills in on the progress note field.
Using A Text Template
You can use a text template in myEvolv to make this all a little easier, especially when it comes to formatting your progress note text. Create your default text in the text templates area of myEvolv.
Then within the setTimeout function, before the line of code that sets the progress note html, add the following line of code:
var myTextTemplate = getDataValue('text_template', 'description', '<text template description>', 'template_text');
where <text template description> is the description you have given your text template (beware of special characters). This line of code will grab your text template, then you can just use the variable you just created in the html() method.
Here’s what the final code would look like if you wanted to use your Incident Narrative text template.
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