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How To: Get and Set Form Field Values

One of the challenges of working with myEvolv and myEvolv NX is that the Document Object Model (DOM) is different between the two views. That means that if you are using JavaScript, or even jQuery, to manipulate form fields, you code for one version will not necessarily work in the other. myEvolv includes JavaScript libraries that are used to facilitate some common form manipulations and that are safe to use in either version.

A couple of the most common things you might want to do on you forms is get the value of a field or set the value of a field. Getting the value that a user has entered allows you to validate the form or drive form field behavior with disable rules. Being able to set form values can help make the user experience faster and more enjoyable. You can do a lot with the simple ability to get and set form field values. The following post will get into the myEvolv functions getFormElement and setFormElement.


The getFormElement function returns the value that is entered in a form field. The function takes a single argument– elementName


The elementName is the name of the column used for the form field, NOT the caption. So for example, if I want to get the value of the Actual Date/Time field on the form, I would use


Keep in mind that when you get the value of a foreign key id field, you will be retrieving the GUID and not the caption of the picklist item. For dates, you will get a date string– in order to do date manipulation, you will need to convert it into a JavaScript Date object (I covered this topic in this post).


The setFormElement function sets a form field’s value. The function takes two arguments — elementName and elementValue

setFormElement(elementName, elementValue);

The elementName is the name of the column used for the form field, just as with getFormElement. The elementValue is the value you want to set the form field to. If I wanted to set the remarks field to “Approved!”, I would use

setFormElement('generic_remarks', 'Approved!');

Some additional considerations are again needed with dates and times – the elementValue must be a formatted date string. And for a lookup table, you must provide the GUID of the item you want to be select.

Where to use?

You can execute JavaScript in several places on a form and on form fields. Where you use the JavaScript depends on what you are trying to do and the code properties of forms and fields are pretty self descriptive.


Before Save Code

This code executes right after the user clicks the Save button on the form but before the Save function executes. This makes it a good trigger for code that you want to run one time after the user has entered values in all of the fields. This might be a good candidate for code that will calculate a value based on the values entered in several fields on the form. You might not be able to trust the order that the users will fill in the values so triggering them at the field level might be tricky.

Note that at the point this code executes, you can no longer manipulate the DOM of the form and have those values become part of the Save function so you have to instead use the setElementFromXML() function (I will cover in another post) to get the calculated value into the save.

After Save Code

This code executes just after the Save function executes in the system. Because of this it is mostly used for popping up alerts or keeping windows open after saves.

After Delete

This code will execute after the Delete function executes. I have not used this one yet. It could be useful for popping up alerts.

Before Load Code

This code will execute before the form XML is rendered into HTML and displayed on the screen. There is a note that this code does not run on forms when they are used as subforms.

After Load Code

This code will execute after the DOM is fully loaded and the form is displayed on the screen. This trigger would be good for popping up alerts when the form is first opened.


On Load Script

This code will trigger when the form field loads in the browser — the browser will load the form fields in the order they appear. If I recall correctly, you cannot target DOM elements until the full form is rendered, but you can set JavaScript timers that will delay execution of code until the DOM elements you wish to target are loaded.

On Click Script

This code triggers when the form element is clicked. It works best for checkboxes but you can get it to fire for other form fields as well.

On Change Script

This code triggers when the form element’s value is changed. This one does not work great with checkboxes but is perfect for date/times, strings, foreign key id fields.

Default Value

You can use JavaScript in the default value property in order to generate your default value. The code in this property executes before the HTML DOM loads and the calculated default values exist in the formXML layer.

Disable Rule

You can use getFormElement() in the disable rule property to determine if a field should be disabled or not disabled based on the values retrieved. You return true if you want the field to be disabled and false if you want it to be enabled.

What about Memo fields?

Memo fields are a little more complicated than the other form fields in how they generate in the DOM and so setFormElement() does not work on them. Instead, you must use the setMemoField() function.

setMemoField(formLinesId, updateText);

The difference between this function and setFormElement is that the first argument here is for the GUID of the Memo field’s form field id and not the column name. So to make this usable, you should pair it with a getDataValue() call to grab that form_lines_id.

The following code will get the form_lines_id of a memo field on the form (form_code = “MY_TEST_FORM”) that is captioned ‘My Memo’. It then uses that GUID value in the setMemoField() function to set MyMemo to ‘Updated text value.’

var formLineId = getDataValue('form_view', 'caption', 'My Memo', 'form_lines_id', 'form_code=\'\'MY_TEST_FORM\'\'');
setMemoField(formLineId, 'Updated text value.');

When reusing this code on your form, you just need to change the caption (‘My Memo’) to be the caption of your memo field, the form_code (‘MY_TEST_FORM’) to be the form code of the form you are putting this code on and then your updateText (‘Updated text value.’). You must be sure that your Memo field has a unique caption on the form you are using– you cannot return more than one value with getDataValue().


Dean is a System Administrator at The House of the Good Shepherd in Utica, NY. He has been working with the myEvolv application since 2013.

4 thoughts to “How To: Get and Set Form Field Values”

  1. Thanks so much, Dean, this is perfect!

    One more question though, I’m guessing there’s no getMemoField() method like there is for the form element? I tried it like getMemoField(formLineId) and I saw an error in the console. Would you be able to use the getDataValue() to return something like that?

    1. There does not appear to be a simple function to get the value of a memo field. You can use getDataValue to pull the value from the database but that only works if the value is saved to the database. Most of the form manipulation stuff people want to do before an event is saved. Memo fields are rich text so they are not as friendly to parse for control logic like a string or remarks field. You will get any and all of the html markup used for the styling included in your text. That is likely the reason that there is no function created for it.

      But, who needs a custom function? You can do it in myEvolv Classic with jQuery like this:

      var memoFieldValue = $('#' + formLineId).contents().find('#Composition').html();

      Get the formLineId as done in the setMemoField function.

      This line of code selects the form element and then traverses the DOM to find the child #Composition element that actually holds the text that users enter into the field and returns the html therein. I have not had enough experience with NX to provide an equivalent snippet that will work in it yet.

  2. Hey Dean,
    I think you have posted this somewhere in the Evolv Group on Netsmart Cares but how do you pull information from or to subforms using this same scrip?
    Thank you,

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