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Data Entry Form (for New) vs Data Entry Form (for Edit)

myEvolv allows events to use a different form when entering a new event and editing an event. You can indicate which form to use for each in the Events Setup area of myEvolv. Typically you will use the same form for both but there are situations where you may want to consider using different forms. The following are some of the use cases that I have come up with for when you may want to use different forms for new vs. editing. If you have other use cases, please comment below and I will add them to my list.

When does myEvolv use each form?

The form indicated for Data Entry Form (for New) is used

  • when Entering a New Service or Manual Event

The form indicated for Data Entry Form (for Edit) is used

  • when Editing a service or event
  • when Amending a service or event
  • when Viewing a service or event after it has first been saved

Use Cases

1) Preventing Specific Fields from Being Modified on Edit and Amend

There may be some forms that can be edited or amended by clinicians that contain fields whose values should never change. You want to give event-level permission for clinicians to edit the form but prevent specific fields on form from ever being changed.

To accomplish this, you make a copy of the Data Entry Form (for New) and configure the desired columns to be not-modifiable on the Data Entry Form (for Edit).

2) Displaying System Generated Data on Forms After Save

There may be some fields or subreports that you only want to show on the form after the initial data entry has occurred because the fields or subreports may otherwise be empty or not rendering properly.


You have services that require electronic signing or approval and while myEvolv puts a nice signature image with time stamp at the top of the event form, you want to display the approval timestamp on the form itself but you do not want the blank field showing on the form at the time the entry is being made.


You have a subreport on a monthly summary form that is designed to pull in services provided in the same calendar month as the actual_date on the monthly summary form. When a clinician goes to enter a new monthly summary, there is no actual_date on the form so the subreport renders with all of the services ever entered for the individual, which confuses the clinicians. You want to display the subreport on the form only after a value had been saved to the actual_date field.

To accomplish this, you make a copy of the Data Entry Form (for Edit) and configure the desired columns to be not-visible on the Data Entry Form (for New).

3) Hiding the Actual Time on a Service

Many programs do not have a need to record the time that a service was provided so you may be tempted to display the actual_date field on the data entry forms as date only. However, when the time field of the actual_date is not shown on the form, the system inputs a time of “00:00 AM” when the event is saved to the database. If a second service of the same type is entered for a day, you will encounter a service overlap error and myEvolv will prevent you from saving the second service in the system. You need to collect a time when the service is first entered so that you can avoid the service overlap error but never want the time to be shown on the form again.

To accomplish this, you make a copy of the Data Entry Form (for New) and change the actual_date field’s display type to Date Only on the Data Entry Form (for Edit).


Dean is a System Administrator at The House of the Good Shepherd in Utica, NY. He has been working with the myEvolv application since 2013.

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