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How To: Setup Multiple Subforms from the Same Form Family on a Single Parent Form

When you put a Non Event Based Subform on Form, the database link between the parent form and the subform occurs on event_log_id. For example, if you have a Materials Provided subform on your event form, each row in that subform will create a row in the materials_provided table and the materials_provided table will have the event_log_id of the event it was added from. myEvolv uses that link to know which of the materials_provided rows to display on the parent form – only those that were entered on that specific event with the matching event_log_id.

When you use two or more subforms from the same form family on the same parent form, a complication arises.  If you do not change the default behavior of the subforms, all of the subforms from the same form family show all of their rows from the form family table regardless of which specific subform was used to enter the information.

Here is an example.  This form has two subforms on it – the top one is used to track the notifications that were made once per event.  The bottom one is used to track notifications that must be made per child who were involved in the incident.  Both of these subforms are created in the Materials Provided form family.

This is the form filled in but not saved. Each type of notification is in its rightful subform and there is one row per subform. After Save, the problem arises:

Both subforms now have both rows listed in them, each showing only the fields that are defined in their respective subform design (see the lack of Child column in the first subform). So what’s happening here?

“Out of the box”, a Materials Provided subform will pull all of the materials_provided database table rows that belong to this event – and both rows do because both subform rows were added on this parent event.  But we want them to stay in their own subforms so that a user looking at this event after save can see the data organized in the intended manner. 

Thankfully, myEvolv has a way to do this and it involved using the List Condition attribute for the form header used on these subforms.

The List Condition attribute allows you to put further filtering on the query that determines which rows will pull in on the subforms.   It is literally the conditions for when to list a row in the subform and it acts like everything after “WHERE” in a SQL where clause.  This means that there are a lot of possibilities for filtering – you can use any of the columns in the form family table to filter on and combinations of them.

For our example, I want to keep the event-level notifications in one subform and the child-specific notifications in the other subform.

To do this, I create a user-defined field of Regular String type in the Materials Provided form family and add it to both of my subforms.  It can be left not visible on subform so that users don’t see it.

My custom database column is called udf_list_cond_filter

For the event-level notification subform, I give this column a default value of ‘event’ (see image below)

And for the child-specific notification subform, I use the same field setup the same way, but I give this column a default value of ‘child’

Now when a new row is added in one of the subforms, this column is getting the value of ‘child’ or ‘event’, depending on which subform is used.  We will use that fact to filter using the subform’s list condition attribute.NOTE:  you can use whatever terms you want for your default value and list condition logic, these are just what I chose for my example.  The important thing is that it will match between the forms list condition and the default value.

On the event-level notification subform, my List Condition value will be

udf_list_cond_filter = 'event'

and on the child-specific notification subdorm, my List Condition value will be

udf_list_cond_filter = 'child'

This is telling the subform to only list a row from the materials_provided table if the event_log_id matches the parent event (already happening automatically) AND if the udf_list_cond_filter column has the matching value in it.

With this all setup, when I enter a new event with the same values as before, it will look the same after saving as it did before saving.

To make it clear what is at work here, the image below shows the udf_list_cond_filter fields visible on both subforms so you can see how they look behind the scenes.

This setup is extensible, allowing you to setup as many subforms from the same form family as you need to achieve your desired effect.

NOTE: This setup will not work retroactively on already-saved events because the new udf_list_cond_filter value on all rows that exist until you do this setup will not have a value set in them to filter on.

myEvolv Tips: Subform Field Manipulation

Credit for figuring these out/discovering them goes to Perry. I find myself referring to them in a training binder I got from last year’s NY Training Summit and figured it would be easier to just get them up on the web so I don’t have to go hunting for that binder every time. The following code works for Classic.

Subform Considerations

Subforms have to be handled differently than forms when it comes to JavaScript because while in the form designer, the two things look identical, the way that myEvolv renders a subform in the browser is very different from how it renders a form. But it isn’t radically different and the main changes account for the fact that a subform can have one or more rows and so you need to be more specific about which field you are trying to manipulate so that you don’t change every line simultaneously.

Scenario 1: Get the Value of a Subform Field

This code is for use within the subform, e.g. if you want to default the value of one field based on the value of another on the same subform.

self.getElementFromXML(currentRowXML, 'column_name');

Note the self object is being used here. This is the subform object as distinguished from the parent form object. The parameter currentRowXML then further narrows it down to the current record/row on the subform that you are concerned with.

Scenario 2: Set the Value of a Subform Field

Again, for use within a subform, this code can be used to set the value of a field in the same subform, e.g. when you want the On Change event to auto-populate a field.


If you are checking a checkbox, use this code:

this.form.'column_name'.checked = true;

Note that in this code, you do keep the single quotes in the code for it to work properly. All you change is the column_name

Scenario 3: Get the Value of a Parent Form Field

With this code, you can get the value of a field in the parent form based on an action in the subform.


Note the window.parent is the only difference from the code you would use on the parent form. This is what allows your code to ‘jump up out of the subform’.

Scenario 4: Set the Value of a Parent Form Field

Maybe you figured it out by now but you can use the same small change to set values on the parent form from the subform.

window.parent.setFormElement('column_name', value);

Scenario 5: Trigger an Alert from the Subform

Alerts are useful in guiding user activity and you can trigger them from subforms. Similar to the last two, the trick is moving back up the DOM to the parent form to trigger it.

window.parent.window.alert('Alert Message');

Other Possibilities

It is possible to go the other way and get and set values on subform records from the parent form, however, it becomes a much more complex problem that requires very specific solutions for very specific challenges. That is because of the One-to-Many relationship that the subforms have with the parent form. For these types of situations, you will probably be targeting the subform itself and then looping through each record to get or set values.

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